Intellectual property
Intellectual property(IP)law, including trademarks,copyrights,patents law , and trade secrets. Intellectual property shares many of the characteristics associated with real and personal property.For example ,intellectual property is an asset ,and as such it can be bought, sold ,licensed, exchanged, or gratuitously given away like any other form of property. Further, the intellectual property owner has the right to prevent the unauthorized use or sale of the property .
All four types of intellectual property are protected on a national basis.Thus,the scope of protection and the requirements for obtaining protection will vary from country to country.
Since there are many infringers make inringing products, copy unauthorized publication, our lawyer can hlep the legal IP owner safeguard their lawful rights and interests. We have a investigation team situation national wide, we have canducted many IP protecting cases ,the clients including the leading top 500 enterprises in the world. related service items: